My books are CLOSED until further notice.
I will make sure to advise here on the website when I am ready to take on clients again.
Diary Update
Services .
I have been trusted with dispensing my professional services for close to seven years. Divination was my starting point, from which I slowly branched out as the work called. My magic is comprised of mixed European influences, reflecting both my native and adoptive cultural lineages. Rooted in oral tradition and heavily based on historiolae (rhetoric magic, spoken narrative charms and verbal spells of a storytelling nature), my craft is interwoven together with old Irish, French, and British practices of cunning wisdom and folk magic. While I know my way around witchcraft, my interest lies not in war, but in its prevention. My practices are land-based and animist, consulting with local powers as well as propitiating the gods I have chosen and the gods who have chosen me.
My areas of expertise include, but are not solely limited to:
right relationships - how to be a “Good Neighbour” to Those invisible above and below we share the world with: reciprocity, partnership, (re)mediation
oracular consults - divination in service of you and yours
spiritual hearth-keeping - counselling for the safe encouragement of budding spirit relationships; support / path-tending of your own journey and ongoing pacts and calls; identification of spiritual points of contention; relief and alleviation of complex spiritual baggage such as grief and/or trauma;
soothsaying: elevation and refinement of your spiritual hygiene, contribution to your regimen (including saining, protection & blessings, proper magical boundaries, defence and offense)
thwarting of the Eye - breaking and removing of curses and other crossed conditions, dispelling and diffusing of spirit-born sickness.
How can I help you help yourself ?
Learn about my services
This is my standard offering : a hybrid consultation between spiritual counselling and divination. Start here if you are not too sure of where you are at, or what you need yet. Come warm yourself to the fire.
After your booking and initial contact, we would correspond over email, so that you may explain your situation to me, and so that I may understand your story better. We will talk about your path, spiritual ecosystem, trajectory, wants, needs, and expectations.
Then, I would conduct a divination reading proper - an in-depth examination of the matter at hand, under the guidance of your spirits and mine. Offerings will be laid out for your court, and the chosen medium employed, informed by our allies’ close mentorship. All messages arising will be welcome and parsed through. I will look further into the proponents of your situation, explore the prognostications thereof as well as our options together, and report back.
A full voice recording report of your reading will be mailed back to you within a week after it was performed, giving you the opportunity to ponder, digest, clear out any doubt you may have, and ask questions.
I would be truly honoured to assist and help you while you tread your own unique path.
I concern myself greatly with the cultivation of right relationship with the Others. The Folk are mercurial, willful beings. Fairy etiquette can be hard to grasp, yet easy to break.
Let me be your guide.
As a trained initiate in fairy doctoring, a primarily healing art, I work closely with gods and un-gods alike, particularly the Fair Folk of the sí, Anderoi, and fées. A Fairy Doctor essentially acts as a mediator between this world and the Other. With the assistance of my gods and allies, I aim to find the root of any trouble to treat not just the symptoms, but their cause, and to access the source to mitigate any potential fallout on your behalf.
Any treatment plan potentially deduced would be tailored to your specific needs of appropriate magical remediation by consulting with the spirits, investigating the extent to which I am granted permission to aid you at this time. This is where I would prescribe my recommendations, or, in the case of any more involved work required, seek your authorization to follow up.
Whether you seek to improve your circumstances, ritually amend or healthily develop positive relationships with the Good People; or you find yourself in need of some magical scaffolding and mythopoetic support informed by the lore and perspective of the Isles: there is a service tailored for your needs and desires, and a way to provide you with grounded, actionable advice in your dealings with Them – ultimately more conducive of integral joy, happiness and balance in your life.
It is my firm opinion that there exist no fundamental difference, no definitive and clear-cut separation, between the mundane and the spiritual, and equally none between a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual affliction. My soothsaying (rhetoric magic, spoken charms & verbal spells) focuses on healing, boundary magic, saining (a mix of purification + protection + blessing), and curse-lifting. Please note that battle magic techniques are reserved for more serious cases: I aim to counteract malefica rather than cast it.
As a Celt, narrative charms constitute the bread and butter of my practice: they typically involve the crafting of an effigy baptised after you, over which runes and prayers are recited. The addition of materia magica, including ritually empowered candles, oils, powders, and seals, is done at my discretion.(I will make use of divination to help us determine the best course of action as needed. Be aware that your request for any of the below shall be met with scrutiny – but always also with compassion, respect, and dedication.)
Cunning Craft○ The Nine Wells of Manannán : Blood stopping and blood letting charms (preferably in person)
○ Fire Charming: Burn-cooling and heat-stopping charms (preferably in person)
○ Charm For Sprain : Brighid's charm against physical strains
○ The Head of the Mad Fever : A stone charm to break a fever. Also a calming charm against headaches and migraines
○ Charm for the Rose : Charm against warts, blemishes, growths and cysts
○ The Bursting Vein : Charm to fight the odds of an aneurysm
○ The Worm : Charm for toothaches and eye ailments
○ Mother of Pain, Mother of Berries : Charm against nameless suffering and other unseen, unknown, or undiagnosed pain
Spiritual Healing
○ Saining : Cleansing / Purification of the self, house, and/or body
○Exorcism of the Eye : Uncrossing / Exorcism, Curse lifting and breaking
○ Invocation of the Graces : General Blessing & Road Opening
○ The Genealogy of Brighid : Caim 'circle prayer' for Protection
○ Severing The Breath : A Prayer to the Dead for safe crossing
○ Pleure & Abonde : A French spirit-taught and spirit-led song to appease the Restless Dead
○ Sleep Blessing : Charms against nightmares and night terrors
Battle Magic○ Fath-Fith : An invisibility charm for safe passage
○ The Envious Vein : Charm against envy and jealousy
○ Invocation For Justice : For victory over one’s foes
○ Caims : Blessing charms of encompassment and encircling for protection and safety, informed by Gaelic practices.
○ Loricae : Fortifying charms, the magical equivalent of donning an armour / breastplate as one prepares before battle. Informed by Gaelic practices.
○ The Fairy Dart : An elf shot to stop an aggressor in their tracks. Can also be tweaked for retaliation, to catch and bind an enemy, and/or to place illness in their body.
○ Crane-Wounding : Battle magic charm to neutralise an oppressor completely. Informed by Irish mythological sources on the corrguinecht practices.
○ Defixio : A curse tablet against an aggressor, feeding them to “Those Below”. Informed by practices of malefica from the Gaulish world.
I believe that a self-aware healing practice must be conceived in relationship with the world, and stay politically engaged.
I do not believe, however, in a prohibitive articulation of care and cure.
I wish for my pricing to stay accessible and flexible, whilst also ensuring I am able to support myself and compensated fairly for my work.
• Hearth-Keeping & Soothsaying
◦ £170 Generous Contributor
◦ £150 Normal Price
◦ £130 Supported Tier (Queer people, trans and non-binary people, black people and people of color, disabled people, chronically ill people, unemployed people & precarious workers, returning clients & Patreons)
• Fairy Doctoring
“If a potion is made up of herbs, it must be paid for in silver; but charms and incantations are never paid for, or they would lose their power. A present, however, may be accepted as an offering of gratitude. [A fairy doctor] must take no money for the opinion given. [They are] paid in some other way, by free gracious offerings in gratitude for help given.”
— Lady Jane Wilde, Ancient Charms, Mystic Legends, and Superstitions of Ireland (1887)
As prescribed by my tradition, fairy doctoring services are entirely free of charge. Please refer to the “In Kind Compensation” section below for more information.
I am always willing to work with my clients' circumstances.
Please contact me to discuss specifics. -
You can choose to donate part or the sum total of the price of your consult to the charities and important organisations below, which are more particularly important to me. The choice is yours !
Please do remember to send me your receipt as a proof.
(A grassroots organisation that aids those impacted by Russia’s war against Ukraine, particularly the more vulnerable populations.)
Medical Aid for Palestinians
(Fundraising in support of the current emergency in Gaza.)
Mermaids UK
(Supporting trans, non-binary and gender-diverse children, young people and their families.)
Fonds d'Action Sociale Trans (FAST)
(Concrete supporting means for the French trans population)
Black Lives Matter
(Movement dedicated to ending state-sanctioned violence, liberating Black people, and ending white supremacy forever.)
Sea Shepherds
(An international direct-action ocean conservation movement for the protection of marine biodiversity.) -
Some people, myself included, may feel uncomfortable or have certain prohibitions and taboos when it comes to the exchange of money against spiritual services. To help, I have enclosed my Wishlist below. The goods on that list, whether books, wares, or materia magica, directly contribute to my wellbeing and happiness. I will be infinitely grateful for any of them in lieu of silver.
Briar’s Wishlist
If you are an occult practitioner or creator and are offering wares and services yourself, please know that I am open to proposals for skills trade ins, exchanges and swaps.
Please simply message me to discuss terms. -
Listen up.
Stories as Spirits and Therapeutic Storytelling
Words have both healing and harming power. Poetry can blemish and restore, tear and make whole again. Stories can soothe and enthrall. “Art should disturb the comfortable, and comfort the disturbed”.
During the Dark Season, old wives’ tales recited in mixed company, huddled together by the hearth, would keep the cold and hunger at bay. Today, the tradition lives up still.
Come by the fireside, and let me lull you to sleep. I will spin you a yarn I promise you’re not likely to have heard before…
Reviews, Referrals & Testimonials

Sub Rosa
T&Cs, Policy
Beliefs & Paradigms
I am an animist, and a polytheist: I believe there is spirit in all things, and all things in spirit. If this holistic approach does not resonate with you, I would like to respectfully and kindly suggest approaching a practitioner more aligned with your own beliefs to favour maximum attunement - whether operating within an energetic, archetypal or psychological paradigm.
Professional Ethos
I never conflate the services I am able to provide with those of a fully qualified medical professional, and I expect you won’t either.
For legal purposes, I must recommend that you view the services and wares offered here as religious paraphernalia and curios for entertainment purposes only. I certainly do not profess to be a miracle worker, and my primary aim is merely to offer reprieve and solace.
I do not proselytise and I generally do not act on behalf of third parties: it is crucially important to my work that the person needing help seeks me out themselves, for your agency is paramount to me. Exceptions may apply – but please do contact me directly to discuss specifics.
Privacy & Confidentiality
As soon as payment has been received, you effectively become one of my beloved clients. As such, everything and anything you are sharing with me will be treated with the utmost discretion and confidentiality. I shall not share or use any of your data without your permission, nor against your consent and knowledge, nor with malicious intent. I take the trust you place in me extremely seriously, particularly so in the occult world : please be also reassured that, should we ever have a falling out, all records of you would be safely disposed of and destroyed at your request.
I will always be honest about my pitfalls and limitations and, should the need arise, will endeavour to refer you to colleagues and peers of outstanding competence and integrity - not my close, personal friends, for I personally really do not trust a cliquish / hive mind dynamic (and you shouldn’t, either) but people who have demonstrated actionable results and unparalleled skills, whom I can personally vouch for because I have consulted them myself during a time of need.
About My Services
I have at heart to welcome you in all your complexity, and to meet you where you are now. Please do ensure that you are indeed wanting answers to the questions you ask me: my role is not to stoke the flames of the “elected one” syndrome, and I am very particular about not creating dependence to my services nor fuel a domination / hold dynamic over you to my benefit.
Consider the services outlined above as the sum total of my current offerings: please do not ask me for love spells, astrology consults or career readings. If you can’t seem to find what you are looking for or require in this list, then it is better to assume that I may not be the right provider for you at this particular point in time.
While I can confidently proceed from a distance in most cases, please keep in mind that the services above require your active participation, too: the sovereignty of my clients is of paramount importance to me, and I do not divorce agency from recovery, the care and the cure. I would guide and teach you every step of the way, working alongside you, together, towards a custom solution to meet your needs, and negotiating any terms on your behalf - but remember that any work to be done, is first yours to make.
If, at any given point before, during, or after a consultation with me, you find that you are in any degree of discomfort, pain, or overall distress or dissatisfaction with my services, please do alert me to how you are feeling. Give me a chance to make things right. It is all too easy, especially from a distance, where body language and tone cannot always be easily interpreted, for a silly joke to fall on death ears, or for an assumption or recommendation to not hit exactly home - but I would be deeply distraught to know you are leaving me feeling worse than you came, alone to contend with it.